$Id: Jumpers-ASCII.txt,v 1.4 2023/05/23 00:15:53 gaijin Exp $ ----- ASCII-art. If the pictures of connectors and jumpers just look like a jumble of vertical lines all squashed together, try selecting your display font to be "Courier 10" (or some other, monospaced or non-proportionally spaced font). JUMPERS ------- *** IMPORTANT *** Note that the jumpers on CON1 (the "six-pack" jumper block just behind and slightly to one side of the A-type USB connector) are -not- placed side-to-side across the jumpers in the normal fashion, but up and down between the centre pins and either bottom or top pins, like this:- o ------------- CON2 | | AUDIO | o ------------- o o o o | | EITHER o o CON1 OR o o -------------/ ====== == | | | ====| o o o o | USB | | A-TYPE | | ====| -------------\ The middle two pins connect to the USB data lines on the CPU. The top and bottom pins connect to the USB A-type (L/H example) and the micro-USB port (R/H example), respectively. The jumpers should therefore be in the bottom position when trying to flash the device via the micro-USB port, or in the top position when connecting an external device (ie:- a portable, USB HDD) to the full-size, A-type port. You can only ever use one port at a time. ----- JUMPER SETTINGS FOR FLASHING/PROGRAMMING THE BOARD ================================================== CON2, the single jumper behind the audio jack, needs to be removed to enable flashing. The CON1 jumpers need to be set to be on the bottom two pins (with the audio jack towards the top of the board) to enable the USB-micro port. o ------------- CON2 | AUDIO | o ------------- o o CON1 o o -------------/ | | | ====| o o | USB | | A-TYPE | | ====| -------------\ ----- JUMPER SETTINGS FOR NORMAL OPERATION OF THE BOARD ================================================= For normal operation, the CON2 jumper should be in place. NOTE -- Using the current (as of May 2023), Orange-Pi supplied Debian and Ubuntu images, there appears to be an inconsistency between the versions of mkfs/fsck and other filesystem related utilities such as mount, which causes actual filesystem operations to fail with "superblock" errors. In other words, although external drives are recognized and partitions can be created, they can -not- be used (swap partitions can also be created and do, in my limited experimentation so far, appear to work). ...Other filesystems (ie:- vfat) -will- work on external drives. USB-Micro Port Enabled ---------------------- If the CON1 connectors are on the bottom pins, the USB-micro port is enabled. o ------------- CON2 | | AUDIO | o ------------- o o CON1 o o -------------/ | | | ====| o o | USB | | A-TYPE | | ====| -------------\ USB-A (Full-Size) Port Enabled ------------------------------ If the CON1 connectors are on the top pins, the larger, USB A-type port is enabled. o ------------- CON2 | | AUDIO | o ------------- o o | | CON1 o o -------------/ | ====| o o | USB | | A-TYPE | | ====| -------------\ -----